The movie Monster follows two kids who, after being abducted, are taken to a house in the middle of nowhere when the abducted girl goes out to rescue her friend and escape from their malicious kidnapper.
The movie Monster has a few actors: Marsha Timothy as an Actor, Alex Abbad as an Actor, Anantya Kirana as Zara, and Sultan Hamonangan as Alana. Thanks to these actors is the movie even possible.
The movie Monster was released on Netflix on May 16, 2024, with a runtime of 105 minutes. The movie has an original language Indonesian, however, it still maintains its ability to be watched here in the U.S. by adding English subtitles.
However, even with this movie having subtitles it still doesn’t stop it from getting a poor rating, the only rating that this movie was given was the audience score, from 50 ratings this movie gets an audience score of 40%. So if you want to watch a movie filled with horror and drama, then this movie won’t be for you as it seems to not be very appealing to the audiences that have watched it.