The sci-fi thriller movie Caddo Lake was released on Oct. 10th and has a runtime of 1 hour and 39 minutes. This movie is now streaming exclusively on HBO Max.
This movie was directed by M. Night Shyamalan who also directed movies like Longlegs, Knock At the Cabin, and The Trap. This movie stars Dylan O’Brien who plays Paris, it also stars Eliza Scanlen as Ellie.
This movie is about a family who lives on a lake called Caddo Lake. Tthe family has some tension ever since the daughter named Ellie has a violent altercation with the mother. Family members then go missing in a bizarre situation of time travel.
This movie has a score of 78 on Rotten Tomatoes and I would personally recommend this movie to anyone who loves mysteries and suspense. I loved this movie because I’m a fan of M. Night Shyamalan.