Dirty South EP is a EDM album by Rated R, more specifically it is a dubstep album. Its most
popular songs are Catch a Case, Stomp Womp, and Stuck Up. It was released on Aug. 16th
The most popular song on the album is Catch a Case with 4.8k listens(in the album, it was
originally a single) it is a very heavy and aggressive song consisting of vocals, drums, synth,
and bass. It is three minutes and twenty-five seconds long consisting of three drops of basically
the same thing(very repetitive).
The next most popular song is Stomp Womp with 1.6k listens. It is also very heavy and
aggressive but a little bit darker compared to the last song. It is three minutes and thirty-two
seconds long and consists of vocals, bass, drums, a synth(darker and higher pitched), and lastly
background vocals. It has four drops and once again is very repetitive and basically does the
same drop over and over.
The third most popular song is Stuck Up with 1.3k listens. It starts out very up beat but quickly
gets very heavy and aggressive with the first drop of 3. It is three minutes and twenty-five
seconds long and once again is very repetitive doing the same drops and beats in between just
with maybe one difference. It consists of vocals, background vocals, bass, synth, drums, and
some sort of string instrument with tuning done to it to make it sound somewhat spacey.
All in all I’m going to have to give this album a 5/10 including a bonus point for having a funny
album cover( a fat dude with a cowboy hat and guitar) that doesn’t match the music
whatsoever (looks more country than anything) over all I’m giving it this rating because I think
music is ok but it is really repetitive and gets old quick.