Licensed to Ill is an album made by the band Beastie Boys. The album was released Nov. 15, 1986 by Def Jam. The Beastie Boys album Licensed to Ill is Alternative hip hop style music. Licensed to Ill is the Beastie Boys’ most successful album they have ever dropped, and that is for a good reason.
The members of the Beastie Boys are Adam Yauch, Michael Diamond, Adam Horovitz, Kate Schellenbach, John Berry, Doctor Dre, and Mario Caldato Jr. The band fell apart in 2012, according to Michael Diamond, because of the death of Adam Yach. The main singer, Adam Horovitz, also died in 2012, but was a very famous singer and played a big role for the Beastie Boys. Horovist also took the lead guitarist spot for the band. Adam Yauch was mainly known for being the bassist, but also did some vocals. Finally, the last main member of the band, Michael Diamond, played the drums but also did a little bit of vocals as well. All seven members played a big part in the album Licensed to Ill’s success, which now has 852,968,750 streams on Spotify alone.
Licensed to Ill is very upbeat and party like. For example, this album is the way to go if you wanted a song to jam out to and dance. The tracks Fight for Your Right and No Sleep Till Brooklyn are the most popular songs, and some of my favorites. The album’s songs are loud and never calm, which is good to listen to once in a while, especially while working out. Most of their songs in Licensed to Ill are written about the Beastie Boys‘ early days in New York, expressed in a hip-hop way. The songs are amazing to listen to when you want to be in an energetic mood and want to have a good time.
Throughout my study of this album, I found the songs unique and pleasant to listen to. My rating on Licensed to Ill is an 8/10, because they are awesome to listen to while working out. However, there are a few songs in the album that I simply don’t like, but for the most part the rest of the songs are good. If you are interested in older upbeat music, then I would recommend the album, Licensed to Ill, to you. My favorite songs are Fight for Your Right, No Sleep Till Brooklyn, and Brass Monkey.