Moxie! is a new movie that was released on Netflix March 3rd, 2021. The movie is about a shy, high school girl named Vivian who publishes an anonymous magazine for girl power after being fed up with the sexism at her school. Although faced with some problems and shocking news, she leads a rebellion with her new friends to make a difference. It is rated PG-13.
The cast includes Hadley Robinson, Lauren Tsai, Josephine Langford, Patrick Schwarzenegger, and others. Moxie! is a Netflix Original directed by Amy Poehler.
Rotten Tomatoes has a 66% rating for Moxie! and a 73% audience review. I would rate the movie 7/10. Although it is a pretty cliche high school movie, I think it has a very good message of feminism and bullying/harassment to it. Plus it is still a comical and romantic story. I recommend Moxie! to teenagers so that they can see these real life problems.