What is Science Olympiad, well Science Olympiad is an academic after school program/ competition that takes place during the springtime. Science Olympiad is a club where students can relax in and study on a specific topic. Or, a student can build something they’re interested in. Science Olympiad is about tacking up an event and working your hardest at it to go all the way to nationals.
Yet sadly there are barely any high school student participation in the club. And it’s mostly in part to the fact that there aren’tmany people that know that the club even exists. But we’re writing this story so that we can spread the word of this amazing club and its amazing people, hopefully creating interest.
Next year’s season starts towards the end of january. And there are currently only four highschoolers in the club. Usually the contests are an all day event and most of the categories are either you study up on a subject and take a test or you build an amazing design. Most kids like doing the study event. The goals of a study event is to get the highest score on a test that
they were studying on. All in all this is an amazing club that deserves a lot more care and attention.