Due to Ovid Elsie Schools closing for the week of April 12th, drama teacher Mandy Bashore had to move the date for Shrek the Musical. The new dates are April 30th and May 1st and both shows will be at 7:00. If you have already purchased tickets, those tickets have been moved to the new dates as well so there is no need to worry about reimbursement and repurchasing. You can still go to the link provided on the flyer to get your tickets.
The students have come face to face with a new obstacle to overcome to keep the show rolling. They are running their lines in the required Google Meets to keep things fresh in their minds, and are working on dances there as well. The set and props are all ready to go and now they just need to be on stage.
Bashore says, “the kids have worked too hard to not get to perform for everyone.”
Everyone wants this play to happen. This is the first musical that Ovid Elsie has done in the past 30 years. So, of course it’s a big deal. The students and staff are doing their part to keep everyone safe so this play can go on. Be sure to order you tickets whether it be in-person or the live streaming option.