A total of 25 students were asked to take a survey about Autumn. The questions in the survey included topics on pumpkins, rainy days, food, scents and activities. The first two questions asked if you would rather buy a real or fake pumpkin and if you would rather carve or paint your pumpkin. The third question asked what the best way to spend a rainy day is. The fourth and fifth questions asked what your favorite Halloween candy is and what your favorite Autumn food is. The sixth question asked what your favorite Autumn activity is. The last question asked what your favorite autumn scent is.
For the first question, Real pumpkins was the choice that the students favored the most. About 23 out of the 25 students picked a real pumpkin. Two out of 25 of the students picked fake pumpkins. Carving the pumpkins was the choice that the students favored the most in the second question. A total of 23 out of 25 of the students chose to carve their pumpkin. Two out of 25 of the students chose paint.
For the third question, options included watching movies, driving around, playing in the rain and sleeping. Watching movies was the most favored answer chosen by the students. About 12 out of 25 of the students chose to watch movies, nine out of 25 of the students chose to drive around, three out of 25 of the students chose to sleep and one out of 25 of the students chose to play in the rain.
Options for the fourth question included Candy corn, Kit-kat, Snickers, Reeses and M&m’s. The most favored options chosen by the students was Kit-kats and Reese’s, seven out of the 25 students chose Kit-Kats and another seven out of the 25 students chose Reeses, five out of 25 of the students chose M&m’s, four out of 25 of the students chose Snickers and two out of 25 of the students chose Candy corn. In the fifth question, options included donuts and cider, apple pie, pumpkin pie and caramel apples. The most favored option chosen by the students was donuts and cider. About 13 out of 25 of the students chose donuts and cider, five out of 25 of the students chose apple pie, four out of 25 of the students chose pumpkin pie and three out of 25 of the students chose caramel apples.
The most favored scent chosen by the students in question six was brown sugar vanilla. About 12 out of 25 of the students chose brown sugar vanilla, six out of 25 of the students chose apple cider, four out of 25 of the students chose pumpkin spice and three out of 25 of the students chose bonfire.
The seventh and final question of the survey asked what is your favorite Autumn activity. The options for this question include pumpkin decorating, hayrides, corn maze and hunting. The most favored option chosen by the students was corn maze, when 14 out of 25 of the students chose corn maze, six out of 25 of the students chose hunting, five out of 25 of the students chose pumpkin decorating and zero students picked hayride.