On Nov. 12, 2021 Disney+ released a remake of the beloved Christmas series (Home Alone) titled Home Sweet Home Alone. Starring Ellie Kemper, Devin Ratray (who played Buzz McCallister in the 1990’s films), and Archie Yates, the film runs 93 minutes.
Following a similar storyline to the original Home Alone, young Max Mercer gets left all alone while his family is traveling to another country to celebrate the holiday season. Little does he know, the doll he stole from local homeowners Pam and Jeff costs a fortune, and could save their home. The couple tries to continuously break into the Mercer house, where they are met by many tricks and traps set by Max.
Receiving only a 16% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Home Sweet Home Alone is not a fan favorite. Many say the remake was not only unnecessary, but also oddly plotted. A few hints to the original film, such as the same church, Buzz’s appearance, and the quote about how remakes never work, do help to cater to people looking for a good reincarnation of their favorite Christmas movie, but the overall quality of the film doesn’t live up. I’d rate this movie a 7/10. It wasn’t bad, but definitely not as good as the original Home Alone movies.