Shrek Forever After The Final Chapter is a children’s animated film released on May 21, 2010. This film is available to watch on Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime Video with a subscription. The film is rated number four on Netflix for top ten movies in the U.S. today. In this film, Shrek and Fiona have been married for quite some time and Shrek is longing for the days when he felt like a real ogre. Shrek gets duped into signing a contract with Rumplestiltskin, he finds himself in an alternate version of Far Far Away, where Ogres are hunted, Rumplestiltskin rules and he and Fiona have never met. The producers of this movie are Gina Shay and Teresa Chang. The top voice actors in this movie are Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, Antonio Banderas, Craig Robinson, Chris Miller, Walt Dohrn and Mike Mitchell.
Rotten Tomatoes gave this movie a 58% on the Tomatometer and described it as funny, satisfactory, engaging and a treat. I agree with Rotten Tomatoes because I feel like the creators ran out of ideas so they are just recreating their movies in a different way. Children would really enjoy this movie but I would not recommend it for teens/adults.