M Zone Has Strong Showing This Fall
October 12, 2022
This year, Ovid-Elsie High School students are making a great effort to support the athletes at games in the M-Zone. In a survey, 10 students of all ages share their experiences and favorite moments in the student section.
First, when asked if they participated in either football or volleyball M-Zones, nine students joined the football student section, four of whom also participated in the volleyball student section. On the other hand, one person said they do not participate in either M-Zone. One hundred percent of the students said they enjoy partaking in the M-Zone at games.
After that, they were questioned on whether they thought home or away games have more students show up to participate. Eight students replied that home games have more people, one person said away games have more students, and one student said both home and away games have an equal amount of people in the student section. Student section themes are what makes games interesting, and students have many opinions on them. Tied for the favorite theme are the homecoming game, which was a blue and gold theme, and the paint out. Below those is the tropical theme with two votes.
There are many different themes for the student section and the students have many different favorites. The number one favorite theme is pink out with three votes. With two votes each are tropical (as pictured above), paint out, and construction, followed by USA with one vote. Lastly, the student section is known for it’s many cheers and chants to encourage the team, and there are a few favorites. With eight votes is the Party cheer, and behind that with two votes is the Spongebob kick off chant. The fight song after touchdowns was selected last with zero votes.