Survey Explores Thanksgiving Food Favorites
November 9, 2022
Thanksgiving is a very exciting holiday for the U.S., celebrating the harvest and other blessings of the past year. There are hundreds of food options for the big feast, but let’s see what some of the fan favorites are. A survey was sent out to 12 Ovid-Elsie High School students, and some of the results may shock you.
First, when asked if they enjoyed eating turkey on the holiday, all but one person voted yes. However, when they voted on what they preferred on their turkey, it differed. The top response was no sauce, agreed on by seven individuals, followed by three votes for gravy, and two votes for other, unlisted sauces. No people voted for cranberry sauce.
Next, the students were asked to vote on which was their favorite main side dish: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, or stuffing. With the most votes was mashed potatoes, winning the vote of all but one person who chose stuffing. No one voted for the sweet potato casserole. Since, even on Thanksgiving, nutrition needs to stay balanced, they were asked to choose their favorite Thanksgiving vegetable dish. 10 votes were granted to green bean casserole, and one vote was given to both candied yams and brussel sprouts.
After that, the students were questioned once again about which side dish they preferred. Five responded saying they preferred macaroni and cheese, seven responded voting for dinner rolls, and no one voted cranberry jello. Last but definitely not least is the dessert. When given the choice between desserts, pumpkin pie was the most preferred with five votes, apple pie the second choice with four votes, two people chose that they prefer other, unlisted desserts, and one person voted for pecan pie as their favorite.