Pants on Fire Highly Rated Disney Movie

Abbey Prewitt, Staff writer

Pants on Fire

Directed and Written by: Jonathan A. Rosenbaum

Published by Disney XD and they agreed to a multi-picture development deal with Two 4 the Money Media and MarVista Entertainment with MarVista having global distribution rights. 

You can find this movie on these streaming services:

  • Peacock
  • Prime video
  • Tubi


Set in Massachusetts, a 15-year-old named Jack Parker has everything going for him: popularity at school, an easy home life, and a high chance of winning an award that would lead him to be batboy for the Boston Red Sox. There’s just one thing; he earned them by being the biggest liar around, but little did he know that that was all going to change. One day while he was giving a speech, Mikey, one of his lies, appears. Progressively, one by one, all his lies start to come to life, starting with two angry lumberjacks and a possessive, jealous girlfriend, Lisa, from Arizona. He and his friend Ryan soon find out from a plush purple hippo from a children’s restaurant/fun center that the only way to stop his lies from coming true is to tell the truth. However, Jack refuses to do it, since the award ceremony is coming soon and he doesn’t want to lose. After that encounter, they soon come face-to-face with the lumberjacks, along with another one of his lies: two alien agents. They are able to escape with the help of Lisa, but only after he tells her the truth. During this time (and a few more lies later), he learns that his lies hurt those closest to him.

After a conversation with a man practicing his baseball hits (who he later discovers was his baseball hero, Danny Kostas, getting over a slump), he tells everyone at the award ceremony the lies that he told and is disqualified. He and Ryan soon see all of his lies in the hall and run into an empty room where they saw the hippo. After Jack explains to the hippo that he told the truth and none of the lies went away, the hippo reveals itself to be his sister, Hannah, who was fed up with his lies and wanted to teach him a lesson. She reveals that the lies were just actors and other people using special effects, and that they rehearsed the plot for months. They soon reconcile, but Jack’s parents arrive and ground him by making him clean the whole garage. In the end, he finishes cleaning up the garage, finishes his punishment and learns his lesson about lying.


Rotten Tomatoes Reviews



There are zero reviews on this movie on rotten tomatoes:(

My review

I really enjoyed this movie. It’s a funny movie and it definitely teaches a lesson. That soon enough your “little white lies” will catch up with you eventually. So it’s better to just be truthful. I recommend this movie s a good family movie because there are no cuss words or anything like that. If I had to rate it i would give it a solid 4 stars.