We Have a Ghost Gets High Marks For Family Night

Gavin Williams, Staff writer

We Have a Ghost was produced by Marty Bowen and Dan Halsted and directed by Christopher Landon. It was released on Netflix on February 24, 2023. The movie stars David Harbour, Jahi Winston, and Anthony Mackie. The movie is an  American supernatural horror comedy film. The movie is rated TVPG for fantasy violence. The movie is 127 minutes in total. It is about a family movie in a neighborhood not knowing that there is a ghost in the attic, then David finds it out and tries to figure out what happened to the ghost when it died and how to help it move on. The movie has 41% Rotten Tomatoes, ? common sense media, and a 3.7-star rating. This movie deserves at least 4.5 stars because it is a great movie to get the family together to watch and for younger individuals.