The movie Love Again was directed by James C. Strouse, who also wrote the script. Strouse also directed The Incredible Jessica James, another Netflix movie. The movie was released in May of this year, and is rated PG-13. The movie stars Priyanka Chopra (Mira Ray), Sam Heughan (Rob Burns), and Celine Dion, as herself.
In this movie, Mira Ray, had experienced the loss of a boyfriend and had grieved over him throughout the movie. She learned from a friend that she should try talking to him. She starts to text him, however, the wounds of his death left two years ago were getting reopened. Mira didn’t know it, but her texts were getting sent to someone the number was reassigned to. A man named Rob Burns, who didn’t believe in love after a breakup.
Many critics were in a consensus about the movie, “Love Again is not even on the cusp of being a memorable romantic-comedy, especially because it apparently forgot that a prerequisite pf the genre is to provide laugh,” Gregory Wakeman said in his review. The Tomatometer score being 27% while the audience scored it 91%. The critics were more harsh of this movie than the casual audience of the movie. One audience addressed the movie as, “Fluffy, cheesy and nary a sense of ingenuity, Love again can be seen as a throwback to the plentiful rom-coms of yore. Or as a laughable pastiche with sugar levels so high, it will make your teeth rot. Let the power ballad of the Queen (Celine Dion) guide you.”
Watching the movie I went in believing it would be terrible and that the movie would be bad. Before I even watched the movie I had a general idea of what would happen. Everything I thought would happen did in fact happen. There were some details I didn’t expect. The movie wasn’t very paced. I saw that the budget was partly spent on designer shoes, however, the cinematography was lack-luster. The changing of camera angles had choppy cuts. One frame she was a certain distance from a co star the next she was sitting in a different position entirely. Some of the dialogue felt unneeded and uncomfortable when it was referenced later it felt even less needed. I felt some characters had unnecessary and drastic responses to events that weren’t natural. The movie felt like it was making a joke of itself, it seemed like the writer didn’t take his work seriously. Having Celine Dion in the movie felt forced. Her role could have been subtracted from the story almost entirely. Some of the songs didn’t fit the scene it was in. The conflict was pretty predictable and definitely similar to what has been seen before. Overall, I wouldn’t recommend the movie as it feels very based off of others, isn’t every memorable or unique. It wasn’t terrible, just overwhelmingly familiar. I would rate the movie a generous, four out of 10, I wouldn’t rewatch it either.