The sequel to the notorious Spider-Man movie that was animated has came out this year, and recently released on Netflix as of halloween.The cast of this new movie, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, has Oscar Isaac, Hailee Steinfeld, Shameik Moore, Jason Schwartzman, and Daniel Kaluuya. The directors of this film are Joaquim Dos Santos, Justin K. Thompson, and Kemp Powers. Joaquim Dos Santos is an integral part of the DC movies and has directed several of their movies as well as being a director of Voltron: Legendary Defender. The Spider-Man movie has an age rating of PG and is an action and science fiction movie.
The movie portrays a young boy, Miles, having trouble managing his time between, life, school, and being ‘Spider-Man’. He runs into a new villain who he views as not an issue for himself to fight. Miles starts to focus on connecting with an old friend who takes his mind and he forgets about the villain he was supposed to fight. Eventually Miles gets introduced to a whole cast of characters he has never met before from other universes and they have to deal with the issue of the villain itself.
Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 96% and an audience score of 94%. The movie has numerous complimentary reviews. A review wrote by Wenlei Ma, “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse boldly throws out any restraint and leans full-tilt into the zaniness of its visually and thematically kaleidoscopic world.” This expresses the consensus among viewers about the art style. Another reviewer, named Eddie Harrison expresses his distraught for the continuation of Spider-Man, “A hard-sell for a 60-year-old product you already bought, used, grew out of and got bored of some time ago.” However, a review by Matthew Lickona suggests otherwise saying, “Tempts you to think Spider-Man was always meant to be animate(d).” With A general consensus among viewers the movie was well-liked with some alternative points of view.
I quite enjoyed the movie because of the captivating art and colorful characters that feed into the Marvel fan base for their art and fan-fiction. The movie was a children’s movie rated P.G. so you can’t expect much plot as it was meant for all audiences. Typically a movie for kids doesn’t have to try to have too much story-line as long as it holds viewers attention. The movie is doing a good job of getting Spider-Man fans to continue to watch the content with the cliffhangers in the recent movies. The strategy is quite complimentary as it gets viewers attention and has pulled a good amount of people to be anxious for the third movie. With the movie being small in plot it wasn’t terrible and was enjoyable to watch in the moment, with art unlike any other movie. Every animated Spider-Man Movie has rewrote the schematics of how movies are and were ground-breaking. The first one had a great playlist that fit the mood quite well, and the recent movie had a playlist that is different from any other movie. I would rate the movie a 9/10 and would definitely recommend it.