Blue Beetle is a DC Universe superhero movie directed by Angel Manueal Soto, and produced
by John Rickard and Zev foreman, Blue Beetle came out on Aug 18th, 2023. Blue Beetle is About
a freshly graduated college student named Jaime Reyes who is played by Xolo Maridueña, who
is mostly known for his role in Cobra Kai as Miguel Diaz. It starts off with Jamie coming home
after graduation to see that his family hasn’t been doing so well. So to help his family he decides
to try and get a job which he quickly gets fired from because of his sister. but while waiting for
an Uber he sees a girl named Jenny Kord, who is played by Bruna Marquezine, who is best
known for her multiple roles in movies such as Breaking Through, America, and her
Entertainment Tonight talk show. Jenny was in an argument with his boss Victoria Kord played
by Susan Sarandon who was previously in Maybe I Do. Eventually Jenny offers him a possible
job where she works. When he goes to the interview for his new job the same Jenny is speed
walking away so he stops her and she gives him a fast food box which Jaime later finds out
contains the Scarab. The Scarab is an artificial alien intelligence that uses a host to survive.
With the Scarab choosing Jaime they go on to save the world from Victoria Kord putting out a
huge amount of weaponized technology that is trying to replicate the Scarab called the OMAC.
Rotten tomatoes has rated blue beetle a 7.8/10. Which I would agree with around a 8/10 is a
good rating because they did a good job with the characters and had a good mix of action and
some comedy. If you are interested in watching Blue beetle for yourself then you can rent or
purchase it on Vudu, Apple TV or Prime Video.