The movie Night Shift follows a person as they go through working their shift at night. The main character Gwen Taylor begins to suspect that a dangerous character from her past is going to come and get her. So as the night progresses, Gwen tries to isolate herself, however, it becomes worse as she believes the hotel is haunted.
The movie has a few main characters, them being, Phoebe Tonkin as Gwen, Madison Hu as Alice, Lamorne MOrris as Teddy Miles, Patrick Fischler as Warner, Christopher Denham as Walton Gray, finally, Lauren Bowles as Birdie. With the main characters being there, we need to also focus on the genre, the genre being a horror, mystery and thriller type movie, made by the directors Benjamin China and Paul China.
This movie, rated 18+, was released on Mar 8, 2024. The movie even had a runtime of 1 hour and 22 minutes, in theaters, on Vudu, in Prime Video, along with Apple TV. However, even with all that this movie only has a Tomatometer of 20%, but, an audience score of 96%. So, if you really like horror mystery movies, then this is the movie for you, so try and watch it, if you are of the right age, or with parent consent, and see how you like the movie, and have fun with the thrill of the movie.