This brand-new movie came out April 4, 2024. This movie follows our coming-of-age aspiring creator with synesthesia, who must come to terms with the unclear near future. This is also while he is with his Brazilian culture, along with his family in Newark, New Jersey,
While this story of music and comedy does seem friendly at first, it also has some spice to it, like some romance and drama involved in a few scenes of the movie. This would leave this movie being PG-13 with some swears here and there.
The main cast & crew that worked on this movie were Rudy Mancuso as Rudy, Camila Mendes as Isabella, J.B. Smoove as Anwar, Francesca Reale as Haley, Maria Mancuso as Maria, Bianca Comparato as the Cocktail Waitress.
The movie, MÚSICA, has a runtime of one hour and 31 minutes in theaters and on Prime Video. This movie, after going through Tomatometer, got a rating of 98% along with an audience rating of 88%.
So if you want to watch a movie that has different types of music and characters dancing then you should watch this movie; however, if you don’t like the idea of musicals practically every scene, then maybe try one of the more reviewed movies in the Ovid Elsie news app and see which ones your willing to watch.