The movie, released on April 9, 2024, and follows our main character, Raven, when she’s put into a girl-only boarding school with a dark secret, the true horror of the school is revealed when she opens the Jack in the Box to find a demon inside. Now she has to run with and hide while the demon hunts for her and her friends.
Jack in the Box in itself contains quite a gory aspect along with the deaths and carnage. This is also what makes the movie genre pop with it being a horror mystery thriller. With all this chaos going down, we can only thank the people who made this possible, Nicholas Anscombe as Jack, Anna Blackburn as Erin, Leona Clarke as Olivia Brown, Georgia Conlan as Willow Davies, Georgina Jane as Kara, and Oli Meredith as Dean Pearson.
As we slowly start to decrescendo to the end, we realize we just watched a movie with a runtime of 1h and 33m, so if you ever plan on watching a horror clown movie this one could be the one for you as it has some outstanding horror aspects in some portions of the film that just seem to stand out, with that, you could join in and make this movie stand out by giving it a rating it desperately needs. It also follows the ambiance of a school vibe superbly. So the next time you go into theaters or watch Prime Video, check out the movie The Jack in The Box: Rises.