The movie Rebel Moon follows a space-themed journey full of plot twists. This movie follows the main characters as they try desperately to defend their homeland, a farming world, from the invaders who call themselves the Motherworld. During the time they get until the invasion happens, they prepare for a war with a possible victory in the future.
After the movie was released in both the theaters and on Netflix, the movie has been with a rating of PG-13 because of the brief strong language | suicide | and sequences of strong violence, however, what can you expect from a war-type movie? Even though it has a genre of Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Drama, and Fantasy.
Now, there are some really important main characters in this film, these important characters being Sofia Boutella as Kora, Charlie Hunnam as Kai, Cleopatra Coleman as Devra, Cary Elwes as The King, and Anthony Hopkins as Jimmy. However, the rating that this movie got for an audience score is 52%, they even have a Tomatometer score of 15% along with a runtime of two hours and three minutes. So, if you’re deciding if you should try and watch this movie I would highly not recommend it, as this movie has a few vital flaws that may cause movie watchers to be left unfulfilled, however, if you’re interested in watching a good movie, look for the other reviews of movies you may want to watch.