Challengers was released on April 26, 2024 and had a budget of around 55 million. At the box office, it has been able to make 29.4 million so far. The movie was directed by Luca Guadagnino and stars Zendaya who many love.
Challengers is about a pro tennis player who now has to coach her husband who is on a hard losing streak. While training they cross paths with someone they both have a complicated past with. One end he’s an ex-boyfriend, another an old friend. As their pasts collide, the tension does as well. Eventually the cost of what it will take to win gets questioned. The overall score for this movie is around 88% thanks to the Tomatometer. The audience put their score at a 74%. Most reviewers either talk about what they like or what makes the movie horrible. One review gave it a 2.5/5 saying they didn’t see it as a grown up movie and expected more twists. Another gave it a 5/5 saying it works in more ways than one and should live on as a great movie for the yeas to come.
Overall, I didn’t really enjoy the movie as well as others did. It’s not like I hate the movie or actors, its just not the type of movie I find interesting. There is also some stuff in the movie that I just simply don’t agree with and find disgusting. I am a fan of tennis so I did at least have a little interest in the movie. This movie definitely had a specific audience it wanted to target and I was not part of that target audience. My sister or mom might enjoy the movie but not me. I would give this movie a 6/10 and recommend it to anyone who likes Zendaya or drama type films.
Source: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/challengers_2024