Israel’s spy agency had planted nearly 5000 explosives in taiwan pagers. These pagers
were ordered by Lebanese group Hezbollah months before Tuesday’s detonations.
The explosives went unknown and thousands of pagers detonated killing many and
injuring at the time 3000 others with the death toll still rising. Iran-backed Hezbollah has vowed
to retaliate against Israel. Though Iran has not given a comment.
This plan with the pagers wasn’t formed over a week but earlier this year the pagers
were ordered.This plan was months in the making. Hezbollah fighters had been using pagers for
a while as a low cost efficient way to communicate. 3000 pagers exploded simultaneously as
the code was transmitted through. Jonathan Panikof(U.S. government’s former deputy national
intelligence officer) said,”This would easily be the biggest counterintelligence failure that
Hezbollah has had in decades,”