This project comes from artist Matt Diamond, a controversial figure in the Philidelphia DIY scene.
They were part of bands, Pannuci’s Pizza, Little Tryrant, Exilius Bliss, and most popularly Jank.
This album is one of their earlier projects and features lo-fi production and acoustic guitar songs
with folk influences. The run length of this project is about 40 minutes. The first track on this
album Porcelain Wonderland is less than good but not bad, it’s a different style than what Lou
normally does, and you see them experiment with these concepts of open tunings. I think a
large part of this album relies on these factors, although there are a lot of elements on this
album I enjoy, however, I feel at times it’s really lackluster, and instead of getting lost in the
music, I end up just getting bored in the repetitiveness. For example; The Psychopathic
Process is a 9-minute song that runs over Lou’s mental health (a common occurrence on this
album). What I have always loved about Lou’s later projects is their ability to wear their feelings
on their sleeves. However, a big part of being an artist is conveying emotion through subtle
lyricism and good instrumentation. The instrumentation is alright, and the lyricism is at times
cringe. It’s hard because I feel like I used to really like the projects of Lou Diamond, they were
something relatable I could come back to when I wanted to listen to a sad little jam about some
dude experiencing sadness post high school. When your entire discography is centered around
these topics though it becomes boring and dry to the ear.
3/10 I do not recommend it.