Combat Wounded Veteran was a hardcore project in the late 90s. In 1999, after some ep’s they
released I Know a Girl Who Develops Crime Scene Photos through No Idea Records.
According to their Spotify, they created the material for this project by working endless hours at
Taco Bell. This project runs for about 19 minutes with 19 songs.
I guess I would want to start my album review with talking about the concept of this album. The
vibe is very “yeah we can scream, and heres a bunch of feedback” throughout every song on
this 19 minute long album. I love it at times, and I love the names of the songs like Propoganda
Films Shot With a Sitcom Script, 56. Operation Head Superimposed, or 44. My Spine! My
Spine! My Spine! This album has some pretty comical names for tracks filled with pure
ferocious energy. It’s almost impossible to distinguish what they are screaming about on every
track, Spotify says they are all explicit, so I’ll take their word for it. The production on this is lo-fi
but adds to the sound, I guess, I wouldn’t really expect an album like this to be masterfully
So, with that in mind I guess ill talk about some of the songwriting that the band puts on this
album. This album has a huge wall of noise between the guitars and the bass with its gravely,
fat tone. We even see elements of electronic music and spoken word on this album. When the
guitar isn’t riffing its feed backing, and the drums never stop laying down the intensity. Its kinda
crazy how they can scream this much and get the sounds they do from their screams. One
could say this band is repetitive because of their stylings but honestly, if you listen closely and
objectively, they consistently are able to create a catchy and cool tone in their screams.
Honestly, I’m not that familiar with the stylings of Emoviolence or Grindcore or whatever people
want to label this project. I wouldn’t say I’m fit to say how this album influenced other bands or
how original this truly is. But I liked a lot that was going on this album. 7/10