Egotistical how can a word have so much power over so many people. The word egotistical means to be self centered, almost caught up in oneself’s every move, and I believe the show Blue Lock captures what it truly means to be egotistical. Blue Lock’s first season aired on October 9th of 2022. Blue Lock would also have a second season which would air on October 5th of 2024. Blue Lock’s cast consists of Kazuki Ura, Tasuku Kaito, Soma Saito, and Yuki Ono. Bluck Lock is rated TV-14 and is rated 8.1/10 by IMDb. So with that out of the way let’s dive into one of Japan’s most intriguing psychological anime, Blue Lock. Blue Lock opens with the main character Yoichi Isagi also known as Isagi running down a soccer field. Isagi monaloging to himself about how hard he has worked towards his career in soccer and his only drawback to being the best he can be is his teammates. With him snapping back to reality he sees his teammate is open and passes to him even though it’s taking all he’s got not to feed his ego and score on his own. After passing to his teammate Isagi watches in utter shock as his teammate misses and throws them the games. After the loss Isagi walks home and breaks down. He thinks to himself why he didn’t just feed into his ego’s desire and selfishly score but he didn’t. He shamefully walks inside of his house to his mother and father greeting him with a letter. Isagi has just been accepted to participate in a mysterious program known as blue lock. With a bit of hesitation Isagi accepts and decides he will become a better soccer player. That was Blue Lock with that being only part of the first episode. I strongly recommend you to go and watch Blue Lock and it’s an interesting but deep perspective on the meaning of the idea known as Egotistical.