A month ago, a somewhat known student, Nick Kremer, started a shockingly popular skit called” Rate Your Park Job.” Recently, it’s taken a somewhat darker turn than initially planned. But was this the true intention? From what I have gathered, for the most part, no. See that Nick’s original skit, “Senior Sendoff,” was coming to an end, there was an opening for a new skit. But no one knew what would be interesting or as iconic as the senior sendoff. So when asking the man who runs it all, Mr. Puffpaff, he said that, ”We kinda just came together in a small group and the idea was thrown out there and we just stuck with it.” So desperate for new content, the first appearance of the Rate Your Park job aired, and it surprisingly did very well. After a short conversation with Nick, he 100% agreed that the skit was more hurting than helping, and the state of it still staying on the air is undecided. So with all of that said, what is OE TV going to do next? How will they have the students of Ovid Elsie High School’s undivided attention? Well, with the talk of a new skit in the works, it sounds like the Rate Your Park job skit may be coming to an end.