The Quiz Bowl team has had quite a year between pursuing school, practicing their hardest, and competing in competitions.
“The entire team, including the varsity and the regular team, are doing their absolute best in the practices and during the competitions,” said senior varsity teammate Jolie Saul. “I am very proud of ourselves and the teamwork that we have established together.”
The team particularly spends the time after school, or whenever the have time to spare, to prepare for the next competition by answering test questions over material that are used in the next competition.
“The students have been doing very well in regards to their teamwork and the effort towards the competitions,” said Mr. Lonnie Harger. “I believe the entire team has a lot to off when it comes to the team coming together.”
The Quiz Bowl team has had helpful volunteers to prepare the students for the highest of competitors.
“Mrs. Boon helped the varsity team prepare during practice by asking the team different questions,” said Jolie Saul, “My teammates, and myself, have buzzed in too fast before she finished reading the question many times. It caused her to be a little frustrated, but all was well.”
The entire team, including the teachers and other staff members that support them, strongly believe that this year’s Quiz Bowl teams will bring the best of themselves to each competition regardless of what is thrown at them.