Band Director, Jeanine Ignash at Ovid-Elsie High School was interviewed about upcoming band events and plans. The Band will be having a senior band celebration on March 16th followed by skit night. There also plans to have a banquet and spring concert sometime in May.
Amongst other plans, the concert festival this year will be virtual. Directors are asked to record their ensembles performing two selections. One selection MUST be off the Basic Music List (a list published by Michigan Band School Band and Orchestra Association . Followed directors will upload their recorded performance in May. Adjudicators get two weeks to look over everything and then return the results about 2 weeks later.
“I can’t believe how much time is flying by. It seems like just yesterday we were marching outside for the fall marching band show. I can’t believe it’s been one year since we have performanced at band festival. It seems like there is so much to do before the end of the year.”
As of March 5, the band is planning to play at graduation, but that will be dependent on the social distancing guidelines at the time.
Ignash plans to have drum major auditions this year but has not fully planned the details but auditions will be sometime in April most likely.
Ignash was asked, how do you think marching season next year will go if we continue to wear masks?
“We will keep doing the same thing we are now. Try to space ourselves out as much as possible. Wear the appropriate masks, like we have been in class and make the best of it.”
We have a band camp week on the calendar for the summer, but we aren’t sure
of the location yet. We are deciding between going away and having a camp at the school.
There is a trip year planned for the 2021-2022 school year, to Disney World in Orlando, Fl- next spring, but is unsure if the trip will happen depending on Covid-19.