Nowadays in our country, a person can’t realistically go anywhere in the world without a college degree. For most people, it would be a no-brainer to go to college, but the biggest concern we have, is the cost of college. Many people have to determine whether the massive debts outweigh the later benefits.

The college education is very similar to food. If you have a candy bar, the first one is always going to taste the best. The satisfaction will decrease with every candy bar after that. It works the same way with college educations. If higher percentages of people are receiving college educations then you have to compete with that many more people for the same job, creating much higher standards.
Instead of encouraging only a college degree, there are many other ways to earn a living without the debt weighing you down. One solution is a trade school. For one, these trade school courses are much shorter than four to eight years. An example of this would be horseshoeing. After completing a 12-week course, a person can earn an average of $100,000 a year, a substantial amount for not having debts and getting in and out of school in three months. There are many other examples of this, like a mechanic or electrician. all of these necessary elements in our economy.
The average college debt last year was about $27,000 but a number of students’ debts soared above $100,000. That translates into payments over $1,000 a month, which is also more than most house payments. If payments are this much, is it really worth it? I don’t think so. The government has goofed off and not gotten anywhere as far as changing this trend, so it’s probably not changing anytime soon even though it is a crucial matter at hand.