The book “Hush, Hush” is about a girl named Nora Grey who seemingly lives a normal live until a mysterious bad boy named Patch enters her life. She has a strange attraction to him but after a series of terrifying events Nora’s not sure if she should fall for him or run away. Although she’s tormented by the weird feelings from Patch she finds herself coming to a more unsettling truth. Nora is standing in the middle of an ancient battle between the immortal and those who have fallen. If she chooses the wrong side her life and those of her loved ones could be in danger.
“Hush, Hush” is a captivating book that you just can’t put down. It has everything from intense action to romance that gives you butterflies. This book would be great for teens because I think that they could relate more to the choices that Nora has to make. With every chapter you’re on the edge of your seat waiting with anticipation for what is going to happen next. It’s a really easy to understand plot so you don’t have to worry about being confused. However, the prologue does take place in the past so you might want to read it to thoroughly understand why events in the story happen.
The things I would change in the story would be that there would be an over “good” group of angels. In “Hush, Hush” there is of course Nora who acts has the “good guy” but she still isn’t the one who ultimately knows where she stands. I would like a character or group that helps Nora and Patch who in the end guides them in the right direction. It would make the story more interesting and would provide more edge. Although this would be a good contribution to the story it is very awesome as it stands.