A chance to give back to students of Bonnie Ott’s co-op class is coming up. In remembrance of their year of hard work they will be having breakfast at the Elsie Legion Hall.
“We will be having pancakes and meat and stuff like that,” Ott said.

Most of the students will not be seeing Ott after this event, so it’s a time to celebrate the hard work they have done this year.
“The event will start at 7 and the students will be cooking. Our school used to hire restaurants to cook but this is my first year doing this where we will cook.”
As the days wind down the more the students can’t wait.
“I’m going to buy my boss flowers,” senior Ally Glosch said. Most of Ott’s students are giving her a gift like that. Many of her students are planning on coming in early to help her cook.
“I can’t wait to see how this is going to work,” Ott said. “It is my first year doing this but i think it will be fun. We plan on being back for second hour so it will only be a few hours long.”