There are many diffrences and simularities between online schooling compared to the traditional schooling. Some diffrences are that compared to online schooling to tradtional schoolings is that in many students sayings is that it is more convient, and way more efficint in costly ways, says the website “education-portal.com”
6.7 million kids enrolled into a online schooling in the fall of 2011. According to “rasmussen.edu” a con to online schooling is that it doesnt give you the face-to-face experiance that in class schooling does.”online schooling is better” Dr.Cunningham describes, “it is easier to acess for students and can allow courses that traditional schooling cant do.” According to Dr.Cunningham we have about a dozen students enrolled into online schooling this year, and keeps gaining every year. Other than all that Dr.Cunningham says that the traditional schooling is mostly the same format to the online schooling. Some students do both traditional schooling and online schooling accoring to what one gives them a better approch to the education level that they are looking for or that they need, at Ovid-Elsie area schools we have some of those people who are doing both. Online schooling doesnt have to be just at schooling you can do it from home sitting in bed with your pajama’s. Every year in the United States there are more and more students that are doing online schooling instead of traditional schooling or even both. chronical.com says that around 5.5 million kids were enrolled into the online schooling program in 2012 and now in 2014 there and now about 7.1 million kids. Online schooling may provide some course that tradional schooling cant but then again in class schooling can provide some hands on classes that online students cant have such as art class, or the band, woodshop, or such things like metal shop. There are many differences to traditional schooling and online schooling but there are also some simularities to it all, for example you still have the learning experiences along with having homework. There are still textbooks and teachers if you need them. Everyone has there own oppion on what to do for a schooling program , now of day there are many choices there is in classes, online schooling, and homeschooling, while back in the day there was only one.